Participating in self-care is extremely important during any time of life, but it’s especially vital when moving between homes. During the moving process, sometimes the last thing we want to focus on is our wellbeing. We’re too busy worrying about what goes where and in what box, ensuring our next home looks better than the one before. What most people don’t realize is that the inside of your mind should look and feel just as great as the inside of your next home. Our Sarasota, Florida moving experts care about you and your wellbeing, which is why they put together a list of ways you can easily self-care while moving.


Take some time out of your move to clear your head. The good thing about meditating is you can do it pretty much anywhere. Find a nice quiet space, take some calming breaths and redirect your mind. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress and produce positive thoughts. By meditating, you’ll be able to tackle the move with a fresh mindset, feeling less overwhelmed than before. If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend downloading a mobile app like Calm or Headspace, which provides guided meditation audio recordings to help you find the proper flow.

Hire movers with wide-ranging services

By hiring experienced movers with a variety of services that can meet your needs, the moving process becomes less stressful. You can take back your peace of mind knowing your move will be smooth and your valuables will be safe and secure. At Yarnall, we can help with almost every step of the move, from packing to shipping and transporting. Our moving experts understand the value of your belongings, and it’s our top priority to keep them safe and in order. As a result, we take away the worry and stress that come with the perception of moving.

Spend time with friends

Spending time with some close friends is the best way to relax. Find ways to spend time with a friend, whether it be over lunch, dinner, or even shopping for your new home’s décor. Being surrounded by people you love and trust can be like a mini-vacation away from life’s troubles. By confiding in a good friend, you’re able to let off some steam and make better decisions. This can be extremely helpful during a move when you have to create the feng shui of your new home.

Eat a healthy meal

Eating a healthy meal doesn’t mean eating just fruits and vegetables. Instead, a healthy meal means you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need for the day, which ensures you feel good and sustain your physical energy. Moving day (or days) can be long and require you to nurture your energy, which is why eating a healthy meal is so essential.

Get enough sleep

It’s not necessarily easy to get a good night’s rest the day before the big move. Your mind can be buzzing with your to-do list for the next day, making sure you don’t forget anything. However, a good night’s sleep might be the most important thing on this list. If you’re not well-rested for the big day, you can feel tired and lack the energy you need, which can affect the clarity of your mind. So make sure you’re getting the sleep you need by going to bed at an appropriate time and emptying your mind of worrying thoughts. By doing this, you will have a better mindset and be more equipped for your upcoming move.

Moving? We can help.

We pride ourselves on having a loyal, dedicated team of movers. On average, our moving team has been with Yarnall Moving & Storage Solutions for more than 17 years. And over the decades, we have changed with the times and expanded to offer needed services. As problem-solvers, we help customers overcome their unique moving and storage challenges. We’re here to help every step of the way. Learn how.

Impressive! Thanks for sharing the informative blog.

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